Conversion Rate Optimization

UX audit – What is it? Why is it worth conducting a website usability audit?

Let us assume that you run the Internet store or a campaign for an online store. You notice that users find your eCommerce via the search engine and visit the homepage or are referred to a specific product from ads. They browse available items, and even commence the payment process, but do not finalize a […]

UX audit – What is it? Why is it worth conducting a website usability audit? Read More »

The Ultimate List of Google Analytics and GTM blogs to follow

Last Updated: 1st of Dec 2020 Digital Analytics is a very fast-paced industry, and to be on top of your game you need to know what is happening all the time. In MTR (that’s what we call ourselves) we have created the ULTIMATE list of blog and experts to follow. There is no specific order

The Ultimate List of Google Analytics and GTM blogs to follow Read More »