Conversions mean nothing, start doing campaigns optimized for offline profits. Reach the next level of digital marketing with our METRIC OFFLINE CONVERSION Integration for Facebook Ads and Google Ads. 


What is Offline Conversion Tracking?

The holy grail of Paid advertising is understanding not clicks and conversion but final purchases by users that interacted with out Ads. 


Offline Conversion Tracking helps with this. By using our Metric Conversion Tracking custom website integration we upload your CRM data to an advertising platform and see which of the paying users came from Google Ads ora Facebook. This is the next step in PPC Advertising.

With Offline Conversion Tracking I optmized my campaigns and lowered CPA by 30%

Brad Roasowski, CEO TheCompany

User clicks on an ad and arrives on your site

User browses your site
and reads about your

User fills in a form on your
site and becomes a lead
for your business

User fills in a form on your
site and becomes a lead
for your business

User fills in a form on your
site and becomes a lead
for your business

Every implementation is depending on the Funnel Structure and needed modification. Price includes:

  • Form modification
  • Integration with CRM
  • Scheduled Uploads
  • Team members: Web Developer, Analytics Specialist, PM

Fixed price: 2000 USD

COVID-19 price: 1300USD